I Got Nothing to Write About at All

Image by Luis Llerena, unsplash.com

I’ve got nothing to write about in this post, gang. Nada. Nichts. Ne rien. Nothing. In the midst of the holidays being in full tiltI’m up to my eyeballs in reindeer poop, holiday cheer, and a little bit of angst about the state of our union. And I’m still tightening up (re-plotting) the outline for my fourth book due out next fall. I’m not one of those guys who can sit down and bang out a short story with all the bells and whistles in no time. That ain’t me at all. I have to have a road map to know where I’m going.

But anyway, it’s a rollicking Christmas story … “rollicking,” there’s a word you don’t hear everyday. Sheesh.

It’s a bangin’ tale!


As I was saying, it’s a rollicking tale brimming with heart, soul, and quite a few laughs. Rich characters. And a message? What’s that? For sure it’s a switch from what you’re used to reading from me here, not that I’m ever humorous here … it’s just, you know … writing about race is never funnywhich means I’m not funny here. But I’m funny there.

Anyway, maybe I’ll get the third act finished tonight. (I doubt it, but it sounds good to say.)

Keep writing, y’all. And …

Love one another.