Should White People Be Silent on All Things BlackLivesMatter?

Are you kidding me? Tell me people have no doubt as to what to do. Of course, white Americans should speak out in support of black Americans and BlackLivesMatter. EVERY-FREAKING-ONE should be speaking out in support leveling the playing field for black Americans and all people of color.

One chorus, many voices

If all it took to end racism was for black Americans to speak out about it, it

Human Family

A still from the Apple commercial

Apple debuted this ad last night during the 2016 Rio Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. Given the discord and rancor in the United States and in the world, the words of Poet Laureate, Maya Angelou, are more relevant today than ever. The poem itself follows the ad.

On Self-Care

Photo by Romanos Senikidis

You’re tired, strung out, and wrung out from the summer of 2016. Work, crime, politics, social media, and social justice. Battles over black lives, blue lives, brown lives, and God help the other color lives that have not made it into the media’s three ring circus. This constant onslaught of death and destruction has left many of us feeling overwhelmed and wondering if life matters at all.

And that’s okay. You’re human. You hurt because you care.

Four Words About Baton Rouge


This is a really basic concept.

The vitriol. The violence. The killing. Open carry. AR-15s in the hands of civilians. When and how will it end? America, the clue phone is ringing and the call is for you.

There Are No Words

Sunday, June 12, 6:03 a.m.  NYTimes: A shooting at an Orlando nightclub has left “mass casualties,” the police said

That’s odd. It’s not like the New York Times to send incorrect news. They must be thinking about the shooting at the Plaza Live from Friday night.

I flipped the TV on the way to the kitchen to make my morning coffee. Images from a few

They, and we, are the legacies of an unbroken chain of proud men and women who served their country with honor, who waged war so that we might know peace, who braved hardship so that we might know opportunity, who paid the ultimate price so that we might know freedom.

— Barack Obama

Dishonesty, the Thief of Trust

Cersei plots with the High Sparrow in HBO's "Game of Thrones." Image from

The manner in which you practice being honest defines your character. If the things you say are true and you do what you say you’re going to do the vast majority of the time, you build a reputation for having integrity.


Have glorious Easter Sunday!