Conversations on Racial Reconciliation: Beyond the Basics of Racism 101

Image by Rawpixels.

A couple of weeks ago, I announced in this post that United Thank Offering, a ministry of The Episcopal Church, is considering a grant proposal I’ve written and submitted for a series of workshops on racial reconciliation. Awards won’t be announced until early July 2018, so that gives me plenty of time to plot, plan, and flesh out some ideas.

Granted the outline for the workshops has been submitted, so that framework won’t change a great deal as I have a pretty good idea what I’d like for participants to walk away with — but hey, I don’t know everything. So, in an effort to go beyond the basics and increase the likelihood of providing a well-rounded experience that resonates with people on a profound level (aim high, right?), I’d like your input.

What topics would you like to see addressed in a seminar that would help you move closer and more freely towards affecting racial reconciliation in your sphere of influence? Is there one thing you’d like to better understand?

As always, I appreciate your willingness to joing the conversation and I look forward to your replies. If you’re leery about leaving comments out here, email me. Thanks for your time.

Love one another.