This is the house that slaves built.
This is the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
This is the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
This the goon
Who wasn’t that smart
And paid off the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
This is the counsel gray-haired yet hale
Who jailed the goon
Who wasn’t that smart
And paid off the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
These are the trolls who post’d tall tales
Seen by the counsel gray-haired yet hale
Who jailed the goon
Who wasn’t that smart
And paid off the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
This is the czar with his thumbs on our scales
Who hired the trolls to post their tall tales
Seen by the counsel gray-haired yet hale
Who jailed the goon
Who wasn’t that smart
And paid off the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
These are the leaders with eyes blind and veiled
Who doubt that the czar has his thumbs on our scales
Or hired the trolls to post their tall tales
Seen by the counsel gray-haired yet hale
Who jailed the goon
Who wasn’t that smart
And paid off the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
These are the judges unearthing the trails
Who challenge the leaders with eyes blind and veiled
Who doubt the czar has his thumbs on our scales
Or hired the trolls to post their tall tales
Seen by the counsel gray-haired yet hale
Who jailed the goon
Who wasn’t that smart
And paid off the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
We are the People unwilling to fail
Who stand with the judges unearthing the trails
Who challenge the leaders with eyes blind and veiled
Who doubt the czar has his thumbs on our scales
Or hired the trolls to post their tall tales
Seen by the counsel gray-haired yet hale
Who jailed the goon
Who wasn’t that smart
And paid off the tart
Who screwed the con
Who lives in the house that slaves built.
Love one another.