Like so many opportunities of late, the invitation to participate in the Gratitude and Trust Summit rose from the ashes of failed plans for another project two months earlier. The masterminds and hosts of the event—my friend, screenwriter, and New York Times bestselling author Tracey Jackson; Academy Award winner and Grammy-winning songwriter and producer Paul Williams; and internet pioneer, Jeff Pulver—booked New York City’s historic 92nd Street YMCA and billed it as a conference about shedding old, worn out habits and replacing them with new, healthy, productive ones. It was a day filled with motivational speakers and panels who all shared their experiences and ways of moving forward through life’s challenges.
Here’s my 12-minute talk about facing and embracing challenges preceded by a most gracious introduction by Tracey. So grab a Coke, coffee, or cocktail; settle in and enjoy!
I’m sure I’ll do that pre-show, journey-to-and-from the G&T Summit at some point. The other speakers were truly inspiring people. And in case you’d like to view the entire day of talks, here’s the link:
Julia Denney Hamann says:
Hi Clay! Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational talk. I have fond memories of you from our Disney days. I remember your positive attitude even in the hottest weather and on the longest day of shows. It’s wonderful to see you again. Much love, Julia Denney Hamann
Clay Rivers says:
Julie, thanks for reaching out and it was wonderful running into you after lo these many years. I’m glad you enjoyed the talk. I wanted to share just a couple things I’ve picked up in my travels. Hopefully, they’ll save people from enduring a steep learning curve. Don’t be a stranger.
A toute a l’heures et bisous, Clay
Leigh Ann DeVasto says:
Clay – i thoroughly enjoyed your talk. You are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Clay Rivers says:
Leigh Ann, what a pleasure to hear from you! I’m glad you enjoyed the talk. I was hoping there’d be some nugget of hope in there for folks! I hope your summer’s not nearly as brutal as ours. Miss you much! —xox—
Shar says:
Very well laid out and nicely delivered. You’re so awesome!!!!
Clay Rivers says:
[blush] Thank you, Shar … but come on, you know it’s all smoke and mirrors. Thanks for the gifts of your friendship, support, and kooky sense of humor. They mean the world to me. —xox—