Desert or Oasis? You Decide.


Ever felt like you were living in circumstances that seemed totally unrelated to who you are or even where you wanted to be? I have. A friend likened it to being a teacher without students and wondering, “now what am I supposed to do?”

It’s taken a long time for me to really grasp this concept, but as a child of God, it helps me to remember that He’s pretty much got everything under control. While I might not be where I want to be, I’m called to faithfully rest in the knowledge that I’m exactly where He wants me to be.

“Okay, Clay. Great. I’m where God wants me to be. What do I do in the meantime, Mr. Know-It-All?” you ask.

Not that I claim to know the mind of God, but when I’m in those periods that seem very much like the backside of the desert, I’ve found it good to keep these scenarios in mind.

  1. Blessing.  Sometimes I’ve been where I was not to fulfill my own desires, but to be a blessing to someone else. And that always involved being involved and attentive to others. With a little empathy and compassion, you’ll know exactly who to lend a hand to.
  2. Preparing.  Other times when I’ve felt like I was “out there,” God was preparing me for something else a little further down the road. When I started blogging, it was simply something to do and the only thing I could do. Little did I know that I was developing my writing voice.
  3. Recharging.  And still other times, those desert periods were moments of oasis in disguise. I’ve come to accept that stretches of peace and calm are good for resting up for my next adventure.

So remember, you’re wasting your time if you’re not getting the most from where you are by being a blessing to someone else, engaging in your surroundings, or refreshing yourself.